Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I have made a goal to be more active this year. I am not a big sports fan but since my singles ward does a lot of different sports I decided to go to softball one night and give it a try and honestly I kinda like it :) I like being on a team and knowing every thursday night I have a game to go play and hang out with people my age with the same interests as me. The best part is our team is really really good (I don't do well with losing) and I have gotten a lot better. I figured out I bat lefty and now I can finally hit the ball and get on base!! Big accomplishment :) Lets just say softball has been really good for me and I have enjoyed it so much and haven't missed a game yet!!

Up to Bat!! 
Some of the team... we are AMAZING!!


Margaret said...

Jenny, that's really great! You're putting yourself out there and loving it! Being active and outdoors in the summer is the best.