Friday, December 26, 2008

The Girls... (again)

Some of the girls got together for pizza and fun!!! I love those nights:) thanks once again for being my friends:)

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Since everyones schedules are so crazy we finally got Santa pictures!!! The line was insanely long and we didn't even have time to tell Santa what we wanted for Christmas so I really hope he gets it right this year:)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

7 randoms...

Jenna tagged me so here I go...

1. I have a huge fear of open doors... I can't sleep if a door is open... I can't go out of town if I know I left a door open (to the bathroom, closet, bedroom, laundry room, etc...) Its really weird and I have never really figured out where it came from, probably growing up with monsters in my closet... who knows... my mom thinks I need to go on medication because it freaks her out!!! Ha ha... but im fine... really... I just have to do the rituals...

2. I have an obsession with jeans (probably not a surprise to many) I own SOOOO many pair and I always buy more... I can never have enough!!! Im sure I freak people out cause I stare at everyones jeans and how they fit and I imagine how they would look on me and if I have to have them and find them and buy them... and I love to go into stores just to look at them... I have gotten better though... I can walk out of a store now... I just can't try them on or else out comes the credit card:)

3. I love make-up (MAC) I love looking at the different way people do their make-up... Its amazing how the perfect smokey eye can transform someone... Thats the first thing I look at in magazine ads... If I were good at make-up I would love to do it professionally... But for now... I just practice on myself:)

4. I talk to myself all the time... I am the best storyteller to myself that sometimes I convince myself its real... I have had some of the coolest things happen to me in my head... Maybe one day these imaginations will bring me success... but for now its my little escape from the real world:)

5. My dream pet would be a Tiger... I know those aren't normal everyday pets but once I saw in a magazine that there was a guy that owned three Tigers as his pets and they all lived in the house with him... That would be awesome!!! As long as you knew you wouldn't ever become the next meal!!!

6. I LOVE dark chocolate!!! The darker the better:) When I was little I used to sneek the cooking chocolate bars because I loved the bitterness of them:) Now I just try to find the Chocolate with the highest percentage of Cocoa in them... Mmmm. Im craving chocolate just talking about it!!!

7. Last but not least... I collect soda can tops... I have since seventh grade... I find them in every pair of jeans and always in my purse... It started from a fundraiser in Junior High where the class that collected the most pop tops won a pizza party... The point of the pop tops was each one collected was a penny donation towards something like cancer or primary children's Im not totally sure and I don't think it was losing that started this OCD but the fact that I only had but a few pop tops to donate... So I started collecting from anywhere and everywhere I saw them hoping that one day they would do it again... but the fundraiser never happened again while I was in school and here 12 years later and I still collect them (I have been known to get them out of trash cans, its that bad)... I have recently found co-workers kids, and cousins whose school every once in awhile does the fundraiser and let me tell you i get so excited and when I give them my stash... they just about die... Im not talking about fifty or so... Its in the thousands that I have had... I have my whole family collecting them now too!!! Im just grateful I have someone to finally donate them to... But I think the obsession is long engraved in me and I will never stop collecting!!! So if you ever need pop tops let me know... I have many to share:)

Here is a picture of my most recent collection I have going...

I tag... Tiffany, Amy, Lesley/Allison, Margaret, Haley, Adri and Summer...